Isn’t everything digital today? Well, duh. This is precisely why digital is an essential part of our thinking across all disciplines. We not only conceive, build and promote digital deliverables, we compile them into robust campaigns that ensure your digital efforts directly impact your business goals and KPIs.

Creating Your Digital Footprint
We not only conceive, build and promote digital deliverables, we compile them into robust campaigns.
Digital Strategy
The world of digital is changing daily, so having a partner with deep knowledge and experience is key to building a digital strategy that delivers on today’s high expectations. We assess technological requirements, timing and level of investment needed to bring a strategy to life. Then we custom build it to scale. From a comprehensive digital strategy for your entire brand to vertical strategies for audience or industry segments to event-driven strategies for time sensitive campaigns, we tie them all directly to your key business goals and KPIs.
Website Development
Your website is often the first point of contact between you, your brand and your customers. But building a robust, user-friendly website is only part of having a successful online presence. Your website must act as the digital hub for all your digital assets, channels and marketing programs. We apply insight alongside best practices to every aspect of website design, development, SEO and support. All the while ensuring that your website continues to provide high-quality interaction and engagement through ongoing data analysis and applied optimization practices.
Email Marketing
Email marketing continues to provide an excellent platform for communicating directly and personally with your customers. At EHY we offer comprehensive email marketing services including: campaign creation, list management, design, A/B testing, audience segmentation and post-delivery analysis. And when coordinating your email marketing with your social media, online advertising and website promotions, we can deliver fully optimized and effective digital campaigns.
Search drives more than 80% of all online traffic, which makes it imperative that you have a solid SEO and SEM program. EHY harnesses the power of SEO by applying best practices that ensure organic traffic (as your most efficient source of traffic) leads the way. Keeping in mind that SEM is the most efficient and effective means of online search advertising as it attracts consumers looking for information and products you offer. From developing your SEO/SEM strategy to establishing programs and campaigns, EHY makes certain the promise of search is realized.
Today, consumers expect to find and purchase almost everything online. So whether they shop on your site or another online channel like Amazon or Google, we can help you develop a powerful platform that delivers higher margins, increased average transactions and lowered inventory management, all while meeting your consumers’ expectations.
If data is king then technically EHY is a Hybrid Theological Unitary Constitutional Monarchy. In other words, we really like data. That’s because when we use our analysis tools, we deliver quantified insights into how your digital campaigns and channels are actually performing – every day. This knowledge in turn determines how to increase campaign effectiveness and efficiency as we go. From regular data analysis and reporting of your digital channels to ROI/KPI-driven analysis addressing specific events, campaigns or programs, our data analytics uncover new opportunities to grow business.