April 9, 2019
4 Changes to Watch in the Grocery Business Right Now
Many years ago, I spent a summer working construction. One day the crew boss told me to pick up all the nails that had been dropped on the site (I was clearly unskilled labor) before quitting time. By 1:30 it was obvious to me there was no way I was…
April 2, 2019
Here is What Happened in Food Advertising This Quarter
The first quarter of 2019 saw some great breakthrough creative food advertising and marketing efforts from food brands including The Wonderful Company, Devour Frozen Foods, Hidden Valley Ranch and more. Nowadays, of course, high concept campaigns like these are almost always centered around, or at least include, a social and…
March 19, 2019
Recipe for Love: How Food is Influencing Online Dating
We’ve all heard the saying the way to a wo/man’s heart is through their stomach. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise to learn food plays a central role in people’s feelings toward each other. It may even be a predictor of the people we find ourselves attracted to. Let me…
February 19, 2019
4 New Food PR Stunts that Attracted Big Media Attention
Share of voice has become extremely competitive within the food industry. Food marketers are going to great lengths to make their voice standout from the rest. This fierce competition has led to some of the most creative food PR campaigns to date. Here are a few noteworthy moments that captured…
February 12, 2019
The Snacking Trend is Over
That’s right, snacking should no longer be considered a food trend. It’s now the new normal and it's here to stay. In fact, 50% of all eating occasions are now snacks. A December Mintel report states that 94% of adults snack daily, which raises the question, what are those other…
February 7, 2019
Food Content Marketers: Time to Put on Your Publishing Hat
You’ve definitely heard the old adage, content is king. But how exactly, can your food brand rule the content kingdom? In the year ahead, content marketing integration and adopting a publishing model might just be the most effective and efficient way possible. Perhaps you made a business goal for 2019…
January 30, 2019
Chef Collaborations for the Win in 2019
While chef competition continues to drive ratings of popular TV shows like Chopped and Top Chef, an altogether different dynamic is trending off-screen: Chef Collaborations. A quick online search of “chef collabs” nets a seemingly endless and intriguing menu of chef and cross-concept pairings. Perhaps the Dog Haus Chef Collaboration…