Gear Stick
Consumer Insights & Trends
August 19, 2021

From Languishing to Flourishing: 5 Health & Wellness Shifts Every Food Marketer Needs to Know

In April 2021, Adam Grant published a piece for the New York Times, “There’s a Name for the Blah You’re Feeling: It’s Called Languishing,” in which he succinctly named the collective emotion of 2021. In response, Dani Blum wrote “The Other Side of Languishing Is Flourishing,” providing a proactive step-by-step…
Local Media Strategy Food Marketing Advertising EvansHardy+Young
Food CampaignsMedia
October 25, 2018

Boost Food Campaign Results with 5 Local Digital Media Strategies

Consumers are increasingly dependent on mobile usage, mobile pay, wearable devices, digital personal voice assistants, and other new technologies to make their life (and purchasing behavior) easier. The heavy adoption of these new technologies also brings forth new opportunities to effectively reach consumers at the local level. Traditional platforms are…