The Best New Food Campaigns of the Quarter Are…
We’re constantly monitoring trends, strategies, and creative work for products and companies in the food industry. Every quarter we publish a random sampling of recent campaigns, with the purpose of informing and inspiring those with similar interests.
Within the first few months of 2018 we’ve already seen some great new work, so let’s take a look.
Kraft “Family Greatly”
Kraft turns the word “family” into a verb in an emotional campaign that encourages people to “Family Greatly.” The ads star real families rather than professional actors and advise parents that striving for perfection is overrated. This kind of emotional, heartfelt advertising is a technique we don’t see a lot of these days, and as a parent, the message really resonates. In a time when gathering as a family for dinner is more important than ever, the spot feels spot-on for a brand known for its simple meal solutions.
Pringles “Flavor Stacking”
Pringles recently introduced the concept of “flavor stacking” to viewers in a TV spot starring Saturday Night Live alum Bill Hader. Due to their uniquely uniform shape, Pringles are perfect for stacking and can be layered to create unique flavor combinations such as the Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Stack, the Pico De Gallo Stack, and the Spicy BBQ Pizza Stack. Celebrity spokespersons are always a good way to garner attention but finding a way to personalize snacking in a way that only Pringles can is brilliant. And, with 25 different flavors, this could be a great way for the brand to attract more fans and increase sales across its entire range.
Wonderful Halos “Good Choice, Kid”
Wonderful Halos is making a new push for its mandarin oranges as its growing season begins to wind down. The campaign, themed “Good Choice, Kid,” suggests that kids who eat Halos know better than to take a bite of a poisonous apple, join the circus, or break into a construction site, among other amusing scenarios. The idea that Halos are a smart choice for kids is likely to appeal to parents, while the shenanigans kids get into adds a touch of humor and reminds us of our own not-so-innocent childhoods.
California Dairy “Return to Real”
The California Milk Advisory Board (CMAB) continues its “Return to Real” campaign with new 30-second spots featuring butter, cheese, ice cream, and yogurt. Each of the ads depicts a common meal elevated by dairy products, ending with a sign off by a real California dairy farmer. The ads embrace the consumer movement back to minimally processed, uncomplicated foods while celebrating the hardworking farmers responsible for them. Well-produced food photography provides strong appetite appeal, and the ads do a good job of personalizing the dairy industry and its products by celebrating specific farms and families running them.
Heinz Ketchup “Crisis Negotiator”
Heinz Ketchup features Jack Cambria, a former NYPD Crisis Negotiator, in its newest campaign. Driven by the idea that most parents find themselves negotiating with their kids to eat dinner, Heinz tapped Mr. Cambria to provide tips on how to end mealtime standoffs. It’s an amusing conceit, and the serious look of the ads coupled with Cambria’s dry, Jack Friday-style delivery makes them all the more entertaining. Crossing over to all consumer touchpoints, the brand is also running a buy one bottle, get a second FREE retail promotion because “it’s always good to have a backup.” There is also a 24-hour hotline available and further negotiation tips via an entertaining video at BetterHaveABackup.com.