Creating Experiences That Drive Preferences

The truth is, taste is only one of the five senses that defines our food preferences. It’s this fundamental truth that drives us to develop full-sensory experiences for our clients, from chef events and unique partnerships to cultural culinary moments.

We're driven to develop full-sensory experiences that don't just happen, but deliver a lasting impact.


We believe meaningful moments happen at the intersection of information and entertainment. From foodservice product demonstrations like Camp Walnuts to big media magnets like the Idaho Potato Truck to quaint dinners co-hosted by the Peruvian Ambassador to the United Nations (that reached millions), we ensure our events don’t just happen — they deliver lasting impact.

Menu Concept Development & Application

When it comes to knowing how to get your product on menus across America, our kitchen is stocked and ready for innovation. With a touch of our culinary and nutrition know-how, a helping hand of the latest food trends and a dash of professional chefs at the ready, we know how to take a recipe from ideation-to-menu in no time.

Conference & Tradeshows

From booth building and panel discussions to product demonstrations, sales collateral and sampling, we understand food shows and conferences have a myriad of competing priorities. And while we are always there walking the halls of the food shows with our clients (from Fancy to Natural Products to PMA,) we’re also there in every capacity necessary in the months, weeks and days leading up to the moment.

Let's Talk.