California Walnuts

A (not so) simple solution for increasing consumption

Walnuts can be a tough nut to crack.

The truth is people don’t think about walnuts and when they do, they think they’re just for baking. But here’s the thing: walnuts are versatile and make eating healthier easier. A fully integrated, omnichannel campaign was launched to showcase how walnuts can help people eat healthier while also saving them time.

The campaign
drove record numbers of consumers to a revitalized website,
featuring relatable blog articles and thousands of simple walnut recipes.

The results were both simple and good:
Increased domestic shipments. Positive purchase intent from non and light users.

Digital web sessions doubled and engagement increased 
after was redesigned.

The site recorded more than 8 million page views within the first year of launching the campaign.

Google has awarded the site a 
perfect score of 100 for page speed ranking.

There is ample evidence the campaign worked as planned. Attribute ratings on all key messaging increased year over year, including ratings on health, nutrition, convenience, versatility and value
for the money.

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